Președintele Venezuelei, Nicolas Maduro, susţinut de armată şi de o administraţie la ordin, a depus jurământul, vineri, pentru un al treilea mandat de şase ani, în cadrul unei ceremonii calificate drept „lovitură de stat” de rivalul său Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, care se consideră preşedintele ales şi a cerut armatei să „nu se supună”, relatează AFP, […]
The text indicates that a service is currently unavailable due to exceeding the allowed request limit.
It also provides information related to a news event:
* Nicolas Maduro has been mentioned, suggesting he's related to the unavailable service.
* "jurmntul" likely refers to "jurământ", meaning "oath", implying Maduro has been re-inaugurated as the president of Venezuela for a third time.
* The US is offering a $25 million reward for Maduro's arrest.
Therefore, the conceptual idea is likely related to political events in Venezuela, possibly concerning Maduro's controversial third inauguration and the US government's continuing efforts to bring him to justice. The "Too Many Requests" error suggests the high volume of people accessing information about this event has temporarily overwhelmed the service.
The text indicates that a service is currently unavailable due to exceeding the allowed request limit. It also provides information related to a news event: * Nicolas Maduro has been mentioned, suggesting he's related to the unavailable service. * "jurmntul" likely refers to "jurământ", meaning "oath", implying Maduro has been re-inaugurated as the president of Venezuela for a third time. * The US is offering a $25 million reward for Maduro's arrest. Therefore, the conceptual idea is likely related to political events in Venezuela, possibly concerning Maduro's controversial third inauguration and the US government's continuing efforts to bring him to justice. The "Too Many Requests" error suggests the high volume of people accessing information about this event has temporarily overwhelmed the service.